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Bekzhan Pirmatov Appointed as CEO of ForteBank

Press release


14 July 2022, Nur-Sultan – The Board of Directors of ForteBank announced its decision to appoint Bekzhan Pirmatov as the CEO of ForteBank. Bekzhan Pirmatov is a professional banker with 18-year experience in banking industry, including Kazakh and international financial institutions such as HSBC and EBRD. He headed management boards of TsesnaBank and First Heartland Jysan Invest prior to joining Forte team in 2020 as deputy CEO. He is a graduate of Kazakh Economic University (Narxoz University) and George Washington University (USA).
“Bekzhan Pirmatov has successfully supervised all key business lines, including corporate, SME and retail blocks and treasury since he joined Forte. Taking into consideration his professionalism, knowledge of insights of local and international financial markets, leadership skills, the Board of Directors took decision to appoint Bekzhan as the CEO. We believe that Forte team will continue sustainable growth of business with his leadership”, - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ForteBank Eldar Abdrazakov commented. “Forte is an excellent bank and I am grateful to shareholders and Board of Directors for trust and opportunity to upgrade it to a new level. It is important for us to keep consistency and to continue our efficient strategy of universal bank aimed at growth in all business segments, with focus on digital solutions”, - Bekzhan Pirmatov said. During the first half of 2022 ForteBank performed progressively in all key business aspects. The assets grew by 15.8 per cent, loan portfolio – by 27.5 per cent, deposits – by 4.5 per cent. The net profit, according to management reporting, amounted to 43.2 billion Tenge. On 8 July 2022 international rating agency S&P Global Ratings raised long-term issuer credit rating of ForteBank from “B+” to “BВ-”, outlook “Stable”. Additionally, Agency raised ForteBank’s rating on Kazakhstan national scale to 'kzA-' from 'kzBBB+'. Contact for media enquiries: Yerkin Uderbay, +7 777 731 99 33

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